101 Positive Body Affirmations To Love the Skin You’re In

Positive Body Affirmations

You’ll feel great about yourself after saying these positive body affirmations

Your body hears everything your mind says. Be kind to yourself.
— Unknown

In a world that bombards us with unrealistic beauty standards and societal expectations, the journey to embracing our bodies can be a challenging one. In the midst of this clamor of messages, positive body affirmations are a powerful tool for celebrating our bodies and all that they do for us. Your body is your home for this life, it’s where your soul lives, and revering it is your birthright.

I am no stranger to feeling down about my body. I have spent my whole life feeling self-conscious about my thick thighs. I used to avoid shorts like the plague, and only wear long skirts or baggy pants that hid them. When all else failed, I’d crop them out of pictures altogether.

It was only after I started making a concerted effort to appreciate all that my legs do for me, and to say loving words to them when I looked in the mirror, that my relationship with body started to change.

Affirmations seem simple, but they are powerful words that have the potential to reshape our thoughts and redefine our self-perception. Scientifically, affirmations work by influencing our subconscious mind, gradually rewiring negative thought patterns and replacing them with positive beliefs. Their power lies in repetition.

I recommend picking a few affirmations from the list below that really resonate with you, and then incorporating them into your daily routine. A few years ago, I committed to saying one affirmation to myself every time I saw my reflection or saw a picture of myself. My body confidence slowly started building, and now I genuinely love how I look on most days.

Your body is a temple that deserves to be worshipped, so let’s get into this list of uplifting body positivity affirmations!

Be sure to check out my posts about self love poems, self love songs, self love journal prompts, and my interview with a self love expert! And check out this page for all things self-love.





1. My body is a vessel of strength and resilience.

2. Every mark and scar is a reflection of my journey.

3. I honor my body's unique shape and size.

4. My body is a sacred vessel, and I treat it with reverence.

5. I choose to focus on what my body can do, not how it looks.

6. Every inch of me is worthy of love and acceptance.

7. I celebrate the diversity and beauty of all bodies.

8. I am deserving of love and respect just as I am.

9. I love and accept myself unconditionally.

10. My self-worth is not defined by societal standards.

11. I honor the spiritual essence within my physical form.

12. I appreciate all the amazing things my body allows me to do.

13. I choose to embrace my imperfections as unique beauty.

14. My body is a masterpiece.

15. My stretch marks are badges of growth and strength.

16. My eyes reflect the beauty of my soul.

17. I love and appreciate my unique smile.

18. My hands are capable and nurturing.

19. My stomach is a source of power and intuition.

20. My heart beats with love and compassion.



21. I am grateful for the healing energy that flows through my body.

22. Every cell in my body is vibrating with health and vitality.

23. My body is a temple, and I treat it with love and respect.

24. I am in tune with my body's natural ability to heal itself.

25. I release tension and embrace relaxation in every fiber of my being.

26. I am surrounded by energy that nurtures and rejuvenates me.

27. I trust the healing process unfolding within me.

28. I honor my body with self-care.

29. I release any negativity stored in my body.

30. Each day, I am becoming stronger and healthier.

31. I am surrounded by a healing white light all over my body.

32. I listen to my body's needs and respond with love and care.

33. I prioritize rest and relaxation for the well-being of my body.

34. I am aligned with the healing forces of the universe.

35. My thoughts and emotions contribute to my overall health and vitality.

36. I send love and gratitude to every organ, cell, and system in my body.

37. I am open to receiving the healing energy of the universe.

38. My body is resilient, and I trust its ability to recover and thrive.

39. I am deserving of vibrant health, and I attract it into my life.

40. Every breath I take fills my body with healing energy.


Feeling grateful for all the amazing things my body can do



41. I am attuned to the needs of my body and mind.

42. I am at peace with my body.

43. I am open to the natural changes my body goes through.

44. My body is resilient and adapts to the ebb and flow of life.

45. I choose positive thoughts that nourish my body.

46. My body and mind work together in perfect harmony.

47. My thoughts and beliefs shape my body's reality.

48. I appreciate the diversity of bodies in the world.

49. Every body is beautiful in its own way.

50. I celebrate the unique qualities that make me who I am.

51. I speak to my body with kindness and positivity.

52. I release the need for comparison.

53. I appreciate the beauty in every part of me.

54. I shower my body with self-love.

55. My body is a source of joy and pleasure.

56. I am a work of art.

57. I trust my body’s wisdom.

58. My true beauty radiates from within.

59. I appreciate the journey my body has taken and the experiences it has allowed me to have.

60. I love my body exactly as it is right now.



61. I appreciate the intricate beauty of my body's design.

62. My body is a gift, and I am thankful for it every day.

63. I’m grateful for the experiences my body allows me to have.

64. I am grateful for the incredible strength my body provides me every day.

65. I appreciate the abilities and talents that my body possesses.

66. I am grateful for my senses that allow me to experience the beauty of the world.

67. I thank my body for the energy it gives me to pursue my passions and dreams.

68. Each breath is a reminder of the life-sustaining power within my body.

69. I am thankful for the perfect functioning of my body.

70. I love being able to move and express myself physically.

71. My body is a vessel for love, and I am grateful for the love it receives and gives.

72. I appreciate the unique features that make me who I am.

73. Gratitude flows through me for the mobility that my body provides.

74. I am thankful for the wisdom my body holds.

75. My body deserves appreciation for carrying me through life’s challenges and triumphs.

76. I am grateful for and love all my perfect curves.

77. I’m thankful for the joy and laughter my body allows me to express.

78. I’m grateful for all the adventures my body has given me.

79. I thank my body for letting me see the world.

80. I am grateful for the strength and support of my legs.

body affirmation

body confidence AFFIRMATIONS:

81. The most beautiful part of my body is where it’s headed.

82. My strength comes from within, radiating outward.

83. My worth is not determined by my appearance.

84. I radiate confidence and self-assurance.

85. I am enough just as I am.

86. My body is capable of achieving incredible things.

87. I am content in my own skin.

88. I am not in competition with anyone; I am my own person.

89. I release any judgement or shame I’m carrying about my body.

90. I choose kindness over criticism when thinking about my body.

91. Exercise is a celebration of what my body can achieve.

92. I don’t need anyone’s validation but my own.

93. I exude confidence and radiate self-assurance in every step I take.

94. I stand tall and proud to be me.

95. My presence is powerful.

96. I celebrate my individuality.

97. I am confident in my choices, honoring what feels right for my body.

98. My wrinkles are symbols of my wisdom.

99. My confidence inspires others to feel confident in their own skin.

100. My body is a fortress, impervious to the arrows of negativity.

101. I adorn myself with the jewels of confidence.

body positivity affirmation

Do you feel more body confidence after reading these positive body affirmations? I’d love to hear in the comments!


Hi, I’m Sumeeta

I’m a Texas native, avid traveler, and perpetual seeker. Here at Sumeeta Seeks, I share in-depth travel advice on spiritual destinations, insights on yoga and self-love, and uplifting interviews.

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